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Revision as of 03:20, 10 August 2024

Introduction[ edit ]

My sire always told me that a burden shared is a burden halved but... if you really don't wanna talk about it... maybe I can just play you a song? - Claudia Elizabeth Preston

Born in Salt Lake City Utah on Valentine's Day 1971. She doesn't remember much of that place as her family moved to Houston soon after due to a job opportunity for her Father (engineer specialized in urban planning.) Her Mother (high school music teacher) got her into music.

Influenced into music at an early age by her Mother. Took to the violin. She can also sing and play piano and knows how to play other instruments, but right now is more gifted in the violin. Participated in school choirs and honed her skills in the violin. Enrolled in extracurricular music programs and private lessons for both the violin and piano, as well as singing lessons. Attended a school for the arts in Houston to help sharpen her skills.

Went to the University of Texas @ Austin where she majored in Music Performance with a focus on the violin.

Met her sire, Isabella Grace Whitman, aka "Belle" in her final year of school and was embraced. Spent about a year and 3 months under her sire's tutelage in Austin. Her sire is a prominent figure in the Camarilla, originally from Miami but spent years in Austin. An eccentric Toreador obsessed with the era she was embraced in (the 1950s) and would try to mold her childer to be like they were from the era. Claudia respectfully resisted and actually earned her sire's respect. Claudia spent a year and 3 months under her sire's tutelage in Austin until her sire mysteriously had to go back to Miami and told her to return to her roots in Houston.

RP Hooks[ edit ]
  • Toreador: Clan of the Rose.
  • Musician: Violinist mostly, but can sing and play the piano. Known in Austin for public and private concerts and is trying to expand to Houston.
  • Homeless: She feels for them and their plight, and tries to help them.
  • Austin, TX: Spent college there, and one year and 3 months as a Kindred there.
  • Houston, TX: Born in Salt Lake City but moved right to Houston as a kid. Back now, but spent her college years in Austin.
Contacts[ edit ]
I appreciate you all!

Ha-Joon - Orabeonim. I hope I've went from 'boring' to 'brilliant' in your eyes.
Helena - Thank you for the gift, for your kind words, for everything.
Garabaldi - I'm glad you appreciate me and my music. I'll play for you anytime you want.
Luciano - I will never forget how you stood up for all of us. Thank you.
Seamus - Sad to see you go. Hope to see you some other time. Sooner, than later.
Abraham - I've learned a lot from your performance, and you do a lot for this praxis. Grats by the way!
Sonja - I hope to get to know you more.
Samuel - Same for you!
Catherine - Thank you for the fan. I will cherish it.
Aaliyah - We must talk soon! You're always fun to talk to!
Tabi - Intrigued by you. We should talk soon.
Anya - Didn't get to speak to you much in Austin. Hope to change that. Calvin's a good boy!
Hazel - Lovely Ghoul. Never thought I'd see you again. You've done well for yourself!
Ciro - Such an excellent choice for Primogen. Very knowledgeable and wise. Always a pleasant conversation.
Ana - Comfy chairs! Good books! And always wonderful conversation.
Annie - My sister-childe of Belle. She's very sweet and I hope she finds her footing here soon.
Kevin - Thank you for the gift, and I hope you enjoy mine. Welcome to Houston! I'm hoping we can talk more soon.
Murk - A protector. Has a hard shell and all, but I think he's a gentle giant. Don't tell him I said that!
Viola - Want to get to know you more. I like that you knit and stuff. I'd totally rock what you knit for me sometime.
Adam - Met him in passing. He was polite to me. May need to talk to him about his services in the future.
Vormund - Our keeper. I don't know much about him, but he does his job well.
Eddie - Big brute, and seems willing to help. It's a shame he didn't win, but he tried. Should get to know him more.
Evangeline - Oh man... She's... got her ways, but I think I'm warming up to her, or rather, she's warming up to me. Maybe both?
Dove - Nice to meet you! Was fun filling you in on things, despite the subject matter! See you more soon, I hope!
Giancarlo - Always a pleasant conversation. Can't wait to check out your club.
Fiorenza - Giancarlo's Ma! Always in gorgeous clothes. I could learn from her there. Carries herself with grace too!

Claudia Elizabeth Preston[ edit ]
Statistics[ edit ]

Name: Claudia Elizabeth Preston
Clan: Toreador
Sire: Isabella "Belle" Grace Whitman
Sect: Camarilla
Position: Harpy
Height: 5'8"
Appearance: 4
Performance: 5
Demeanor: Entertainer
Merits: Harmless, Enchanting Voice, Artistically Gifted (Violin, Singing, Piano.) Concentration.
Flaws: Soft-Hearted.

Gallery[ edit ]