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Introduction[ edit ]

Una Rath, by her own account, "came up from Galveston" for the purpose of adding her strength, and that of the motorcycle club (gang?) of Revenants to which she's been assigned as their Kindred 'boss', for the purpose of expanding Sabbat territory in the Houston on the wake of the recent disappearance of the city's supernaturals.

RP Hooks[ edit ]

SABBAT: She's here to kick ass and chew gum. Guess what she's got none of?

CITY GANGREL: She's an ultimate urban predator, yes.

LOS BANDIDOS: A motorcycle club (gang) that deals in illicit weapons and drugs. Thought to also work in human trafficking; this isn't whollyincorrect or correct. The club's leadership is made up of Revenants from Mexico who venerate Sabbat kindred. Base in Galveston, the club's been spending a lot of time hanging out in Houston, these days, in biker bars... and catholic churches, of all places. Una rides as a member of the club, while also being the behind-the-scenes 'boss' to whom the gang's actual boss (secretly) kow-tows.

Contacts[ edit ]

Vallejo - The bishop outranks her -- for now.

Valeria - This one's an oddity, a very rare type of person to be among the sect. Una isn't sure quite what to make of this one, but everyone, including Bishop Vallejo, says she works for the Archbishop himself -- so she's going to watch this ghoul like a hawk, for now.

Estevez - Another of the sect. He's yet to prove himself, in Una's eyes, but he also hasn't done anything 'wrong' in her eyes.

Catalina - She likes to wear old-style armor, sticks out like a sore thumb as a result -- so, she's wierd. She does know how things are supposed to happen, though, knows tradition and whatnot. So far, worthy of respect.

Una Rath[ edit ]
Statistics[ edit ]

NAME: Una Rath
PLAYED BY: Jenna Ortega

CLAN: City Gangrel
SECT: Sabbat
PATH: Power & Inner Voice

- Manipulation 4 (Emotional)

- Celerity 2
- Dominate 1
- Obsfuscate 2
- Protean 2

- Blush of Health
- Bruiser
- Light Sleeper

Soundtrack[ edit ]
Gallery[ edit ]