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Introduction[ edit ]

Born under the vast skies of the Texas plains in the 1700s, Takoda Chance Elan is a Nuwisha with a spirit as untamed as the Comanche tribe that raised him. Known as "Weeps-with-Laughter," he is both a riddle and a revelation, a mysterious figure who dances between the realms with a grin that hints at secrets as ancient as the wind. Despite the centuries that have passed, Chance's appearance has not changed, he remains youthful, his amber eyes gleaming with mischief and wisdom.

A trickster at heart, Chance embodies the Nuwisha's sacred role as teacher, prankster, and a challenger who constantly pushes the boundaries. He has danced across the Umbral realms, collecting stories, tricks, and lore that he shares freely, but always with a twist that leaves the listener questioning what they thought they knew. His laughter, a deep, infectious sound, has been heard in the darkest corners of the spirit world and on the streets of Houston, where he now finds himself in 1995.

He is an Umbral Danser, and the spirits know him well. He slips easily between worlds, a mediator who walks paths unseen by others. Yet beneath the jokes and the seemingly carefree exterior is a soul that understands pain, loss, and the weight of centuries. His laughter may weep, but it never breaks, for Chance knows that even in sorrow, there is a lesson to be learned, a story to be told.

In Houston, a city teetering on the edge of chaos, Chance moves like the wind. He is impossible to catch and impossible to ignore. He is a guide; to others, he is a trickster. To most, he is simply Chance, a name whispered in both fear and fondness. He is a survivor, an eternal dancer on the knife-edge of change, forever laughing at the folly of those who forget the old ways and the power of a good story.

RP Hooks[ edit ]
  • The Trickster Breed: A Nuwisha with a reputation for blending humor with wisdom, often seen as a playful spirit or enigmatic figure by Garou and other Fera alike.
  • Umbral Expert: He intimately knows the Umbra's hidden paths and spirit trails. Sought after by those who need guidance or secrets from the spirit world. Chance is always willing to help... but at what price?
  • Ageless Wonder: Even though he looks to be in his mid-20s, he's centuries old. In some circles, rumors swirl about how he remains so youthful, and some wonder if they can uncover his secret. Maybe he knows some other old-timers out there.
  • Mischief Maker: Always up to some prank or riddle, Chance thrives on the chaos his jokes create, often leaving others puzzled or enlightened in his wake. Perfect for anyone looking for challenges or unconventional alliances.
  • Unseen Allies: Chance has connections with various supernatural groups and individuals, both friends and enemies, who may seek him out for favors, debts, or revenge.
Takoda Chance Elan[ edit ]
Statistics[ edit ]
Appears As: Chance
Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Sphere: Shifter
Faction: Gaian
Fera Breed: Nuwisha
Shifter Rank: 3