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I appreciate you all!

Ha-Joon - Orabeonim. I hope I've went from 'boring' to 'brilliant' in your eyes.
Helena - Thank you for the gift, for your kind words, for everything.
Garabaldi - I'm glad you appreciate me and my music. I'll play for you anytime you want.
Luciano - I will never forget how you stood up for all of us. Thank you.
Seamus - Violin vs Fiddle. I enjoy your company. It's sad we almost lost you.
Abraham - I've learned a lot from your performance, and you do a lot for this praxis. Grats by the way!
Sonja - I hope to get to know you more.
Samuel - Same for you!
Catherine - Thank you for the fan. I will cherish it.
Aaliyah - We must talk soon! You're always fun to talk to!
Tabi - Intrigued by you. We should talk soon.
Anya - Didn't get to speak to you much in Austin. Hope to change that. Calvin's a good boy!
Hazel - Lovely Ghoul. Never thought I'd see you again. You've done well for yourself!