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Revision as of 04:14, 7 August 2024 by Altair (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Overview= NuMetal is a game centered on survival and horror on a large scale. The introduction page of our wiki presents two potential futures for Houston, one of which is a wasteland apocalypse. Characters in NuMetal find themselves at a critical tipping point, with events leading to this moment over the past hundred years. This period, starting in 1994, represents the last chance for Houston's inhabitants to avert a catastrophic fate. While this may sound familiar t...")
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NuMetal is a game centered on survival and horror on a large scale. The introduction page of our wiki presents two potential futures for Houston, one of which is a wasteland apocalypse. Characters in NuMetal find themselves at a critical tipping point, with events leading to this moment over the past hundred years. This period, starting in 1994, represents the last chance for Houston's inhabitants to avert a catastrophic fate.

While this may sound familiar to other plots (stop the end times, etc.), be warned that in this game, the staff is entirely impartial regarding which ending occurs. We are open to either outcome and are prepared to embrace a post-apocalyptic supernatural horror survival game. Moreover, some PCs and NPCs might be working towards the "bad" ending just as much as others strive for the "good" ending.

For players, this means that the “survival” and “horror” themes are integral to the game, not just atmospheric elements. These aspects are a fundamental part of life in the supernatural corridors of Houston. They are not mere annoyances or hoops to jump through, but real problems to address and significant markers in the game. Horror and survival are not the backdrop of the party; they are the party.


Horror: "Bad Things" will come at you. You may not always be able to solve them alone. You might need to cross supernatural or antagonistic lines for solutions. Addressing these challenges is central to the game. We do not do darkness for darkness' sake. Take time to enjoy the story, feel a bit scared (for your character), and pray that they get through. WoD games are games of horror, and we fully believe that 100%.

Survival: In the World of Darkness, things die. A lot. To experience "what comes next," you must stay alive. On NuMetal, we do not prioritize keeping your character alive. Everyone starts with a substantial amount of XP. How you use it is up to you. If the game consumes your character, we expect you to move on to another. There are actions you can take to avoid or hasten a gruesome end. Jumping into danger unprepared moves you closer to death. Staying cautious may keep you safer, but doesn't guarantee survival. The danger is real. How you handle it is up to you. Please do not expect there to be some deus ex machina that will save your character if the dice have decided your fate. Besides, you can always make a new character.

This is a game with winners and losers, ups and downs. Winners can quickly become losers and vice versa. Often, you may be both at the same time. This is a 20th edition World of Darkness roleplaying game, adhering to its system and (generally) theme.

What we ARE

Numetal is dangerous (ICly). ICA = ICC. Scenes that we partake in actually matter and people are watching (The Technocracy, other vampires, other supernaturals in general).

Numetal is not fair (ICly, we're totally fair OOCly). We live in a world where bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people far more often than we like. Such is part of the struggle of the World of Darkness.

Numetal is FUN! We like to make sure that our players are enjoying the stories and will accomodate people as needed.

Numetal can be lighthearted. You can't have darkness without light. We believe balancing in grimdark stories with stories than can be funny, humorous, or just plain out campy (WoD is campy, come on it's the 90s).

Numetal is STORYTELLER driven. The STs put in hard work in developing stories for the different splat and try to make it forward. PrPs are free to happen, but please let us know, so we can incorporate it into the overall storyarc. (We know you've heard that from other MU*s, but we mean it. We're purposely small for a reason).

What we are NOT

NuMetal is not a responsibility. NuMetal is not a place where a sense of duty comes before the shared desire to enjoy our hobby. etc. etc.

NuMetal is not a sandbox where you do whatever you want with whoever you want whenever you want.

NuMetal is not wish fulfillment where you have full autonomy of your character and you must give consent for anything to happen to you.

NuMetal is not a second life where you are your character and anything that happens to your character is a direct reflection on you as a player.

NuMetal is not a cooperative storytelling experience where everyone works on a story together and writes for the mutual benefit of all characters involved. (We are a non-consent game)


We understand that many players enter a game with preconceived notions of what a MU* should be. Please, take a moment to read the above. This is what NuMetal is.

We expect all players to keep this in mind and operate within these conditions. It is a game, meant for fun. If you cannot enjoy the game unless your character is "winning" or getting everything they want, this might not be the game for you. If you have fun struggling, overcoming the odds, and having luck be on your side, then we are the game for you. If you enjoy finding a way to succeed in a seemingly impossible situation, even if you ultimately fail, we are the game for you.

If you can embrace the game for what it is, find and create fun, separate yourself from your character's experiences, and enter the game with an open mind, focusing on entertainment for yourself, other players, and the staff, then this game is definitely for you.

Welcome to NuMetal.