Poppa Joe/Introduction

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Revision as of 06:42, 19 August 2024 by Maho (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center>Poppa Joe's been around Texas for many years. Everyone seems to know Grandpops. He walks around with an old bamboo staff like he's Houston's very own version of Fizban. Don't know who that is? Well, it ain't nothing but the best secret that was ever told! Don't you youngin's read anymore? Hee Hee! Read!</center>")
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Poppa Joe's been around Texas for many years. Everyone seems to know Grandpops. He walks around with an old bamboo staff like he's Houston's very own version of Fizban. Don't know who that is? Well, it ain't nothing but the best secret that was ever told! Don't you youngin's read anymore? Hee Hee! Read!