This template allows you to quickly and easily indicate stat values with dots, much like in the books.
{{dots|<value>|<max>|gradient=<gradient>|fill_color=<fill_color>|empty_color=<empty_color>}} <gradient>: If set to 'yes' will put a gradient over the circles to give them a 3D appearance <fill_color>: The color for full dots. This can be color names (red), or HTML codes (#F633AB). Defaults to 'black'. <empty_color>: The color for the borders of empty dots. This can be color names (red) or HTML codes (#F633AB). Defaults to the value of <fill_color>.
Basic examples | |
{{dots|1}} | |
{{dots|2}} | |
{{dots|3}} | |
{{dots|4}} | |
{{dots|5}} | |
Playing with some options | |
{{dots|3|10}} | |
{{dots|3|10|gradient=yes}} | |
{{dots|3|10|gradient=yes|fill_color=#F633AB}} | |
{{dots|3|10|gradient=yes|fill_color=#F633AB|empty_color=blue}} |
Big thanks to Sigil for the initial idea.