2024-09-19 Camarilla Court

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2024-09-19 Camarilla Court
Date of Scene: 19 September 2024
Location: Where did it ICly take place?
Synopsis: Camarilla Court
Cast of Characters: Ha-Joon, Sonja, Eddie, Ciro, Claudia, Hazel, Levi, Giancarlo, Helena, Abraham, Ana, Murk, Vormund, Catherine, Luciano, Kevin

The Elysium is buzzing with ghouls preparing Ha-Joon's infamous vitae-champaigne. One is standing next to the entrance of the hall with a tray and offering it to those entering (the vitae is purely human for those who might question it). Ha-Joon is sitting at the back of the hall, on the throne atop his dais. His eyes are steadily watching the door awaiting for the kindred to enter. Thomas, his favored ghoul, approaches him and whispers something in his ear. Without out looking at him, the Prince raises a hand as the ghoul bows his head and backs away.

--< Sonja >-------------------------------------------------------------------
Sonja steps inside, her newspapers folded and tucked under one arm. Turning she heads on over to her new-usual spot, pausing to greet those on the dais with a respectful bow of her head before she continues to her seat to settle in.
-------------------------------------------------------------------< Sonja >--

Having arrived early, Eddie has taken station up near the back of the room. He stands vigilant with a broadsword at his hip and nothing else obvious. He watches those coming in, offering a bow of his head to most.

It seems there was a memo sent about as the Toreador all trickle in at the same time. Ciro happily accepts a flute of the champagne-vitae, offering the server his wine glass in return. "Already a good evening." He grins, offering a bow of his head to Prince Ha-Joon before finding a seat to claim and be comfortable.

Claudia enters from the Lounge with Ciro, Hazel and Ana as the four had just finished up a discussion there before it is time for Court. Claudia's hair is in her usual loose curls to her shoulders with blunt bangs down to her eyebrows. Makeup, her lipstick is a shade of dark red, eyeliner and light blush. She's wearing a black, halter neck dress that has a high neckline. There's a slit on her right side, showing her leg. On her feet are a little pair of black heels. She doesn't have a purse or *gasp* her violin case with her, as they were stored at security check. It's time for court, after all. She gives a bow of her head to Sonja in return, and then one to her Prince before taking a champagne flute. "Thanks." Eddie also gets a bow of her head and then a little raise of her newly acquired glass in his direction. The little glass raise to Sonja and then Ha-Joon as well. Her eyes flick over to the others she came in with. "Tonight is going to be interesting..."

Hazel steps inside arriving not to far behind Claudia she moves to take her seat and crosses her legs over one another. She does bow her head to those she passes. She nods to Claudia as she declares this night to be intresting. "I agree. " Thats all she says and falls silent.

Levi finds a seat and takes it. It's amazing that he managed to make it at all, given his time messiness.

Arriving on time this evening is Giancarlo. This is no casual event and so he has on his normal custom tailored black suit with a white undershirt undone to reveal a taste of the toned and heavily tattooed flesh beneath. Of course no outfit is complete without the fist full of gold jewelry with precious stones and a pristine shine on the black leather dress shoes.

The Older Italian gentleman carries himself with a certain confidence and a warm, inviting smile. He will flash a wave here and there to those he recognizes, pausing only a moment near Eddie to lean in, "Is that a broadsword in your sheathe or are you just happy to see me." He jokes and shoots him a wink as he lightly chuckles. He will find himself a seat in the back with the caitiff or any other independents who happen to come to court after having snagged a glass of the blood champagne.

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
As Helena glided into the Elysium, the rich crimson silk of her dress flowed gracefully around her, its long train trailing behind her like a shadow. The fitted bodice accentuated her form, while the long sleeves added an air of sophistication that perfectly balanced allure and elegance. The fabric shimmered subtly in the dim light, potentially catching the attention of those nearby. Her pale hair cascaded in soft waves, framing her face and highlighting the sharpness of her cheekbones. She surveyed the hall, noting the ghouls bustling about with trays of Ha-Joon's infamous vitae-champagne, the atmosphere charged with anticipation.

With a confident stride, she approached the throne at the back, after snagging one of the flutes on the way by, where Ha-Joon sat like a king surveying his court. As she neared, she caught a glimpse of his eyes and gave him a bow before ascending the dais to drape against the throne.
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

Abraham stands in his typical spot, below and to the right of the dais. He is dressed in his usual dark coat, button down shirt and black cowboy boots. Strapped to his back is the Scotish claymore that the Sheriff is always seen with in Court. His hands are crossed in front of him, legs spread at almost a parade rest. His dark gaze stares straight ahead of him as he watches Kindred arrive.

The Bouquet of Roses arrives as a pack, and Ana is amongst them. There's chatter and laughter and Ana collects herself a glass of champagne as she passes it. She smiles warmly to Giancarlo, noting his arrival and settles herself into a seat, brushing her skirt as she sits. She's going to be quiet, paying attention most assuredly.

--< Murk >--------------------------------------------------------------------
The Gargoyle arrives. The Murk must have been hanging out in the lobby observing everyone coming in and then proceeds to enter after dropping off a series of weapons at coat check. AGAIN. It makes him sigh.

He enters the Elysium, slowly making his way down toward the front with a calculated stride of heavy footsteps. His bat-like wings flick outward and then fold in slowly to a medium height so as to not knock any smaller kindred over. He eyes the Prince and then nods his pointed chin at Helena. His final end position is near the dais but not too far from the Seneschal herself.

Levi nods to the others as they enter; his own outfit is subtle, demure, and mindful, thanks to his ghoul's interference. A wide-brimmed fedora would dim his baby blues to near black, but it has been doffed, as is proper for a gentleman indoors. His suit is newer than most of his clothes, which is to say it was made this or last decade, but it is pristinely kept and smells faintly of cedar, though not a chip stains its ink-in-water gray pinstribe fabric. His shoes shine darkly, brogues at a guess, and his smile tops the look off immaculately.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Helena rolls Stamina + Stealth vs 5 for 4 successes.

With a bit of a smile to Giancarlo, Eddie comments, "It's a Broadsword." He does take the joke for what it is, but it's Court and he takes his business seriously. He turns his attention back to those gathered.

As usual, Vormund is already in court when it starts... at his primogen seat. The red eyed Nosferatu is silent as he observes those gathered.

Levi notes the empty Malkavian primogen seat, but doesn't seem to pay it much mind. That confedearate unpleasantness was just tomorrow, there's no reason he should be considering that, after all. Just a pity to not have representation.

Ciro did, of course, make it to the Primogen seats. Regardless of the chair, he settles into it and looks as happily comfortable as a boneless cat. A non-neutonian liquid, is the Toreador Primogen.

Claudia smiles to her lovely ghoul Hazel, nodding at her words. There's a curious glance in Levi's direction, before she smiles and offers a little raise of her champagne flute. Giancarlo has her look over and smile, raising her glass and she asks, "Hey, how are you tonight? Is your Ma also coming?" She is genuinely curious to know.

As she sips at her vitae, her green eyes spot Helena and she lowers her glass. "Seneschal. Good to see you tonight." Then, to Abraham. "Sheriff. You as well." As Ana takes a seat, Claudia moves to take one nearby as well, free hand coming to gently take Hazel and lead her over. Murk's arrival is of course noticed. She grins broadly in his direction, showing her pearly white teeth. She straightens her posture in her seat, shifting about before her eyes fix to Vormund and she offers a nod of her head towards him.

The Prince looks around the room, as he arches an eyebrow. He looks over to Helena as he leans his head in her direction and mutters to her in Latin. He then looks out at the rest of the Kindred before standing. "Good evening, my fellow Kindred." He says, donning his smile and clasping his hands behind his back. "Thank you for taking your time to join us this evening." He glances to Abraham and then to the rest of the room, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Interesting." Is all he comments, before turning and taking a few steps to the side. "There are a few matters that I wish to discuss this evening." Pausing in his pacing, he looks to the Kindred. "First, I have just received this evening that the Archbishop of the Sword Caine, the one who conquered San Antonio has met his final death." He looks from Kindred to Kindred, glancing to the Sheriff. "Have you heard of any activity concerning the Sword of Caine, Sheriff?" He glances out, "It has been in my experience that the Sword of Caine reacts to this by completely frenzying, wreaking havoc in their wake /or/ by withdrawing and laying low."

Hazel gets lead over to a seat and settles down in it and watches the happenings of court and people filling up the room. As the prince begins to speak she turns her attention to him.

Levi watches the Prince thoughtfully, listening to each word in turn. He's got a manic intensity to him that comes from trying to remember the order of events.

"We have not Highness," Abraham says, keeping his eyes straight ahead, "Though we have ears to the ground on the street. If anything comes up, we will know something. I have encouraged all the Kindred here to prepare their havens accordingly in expectation the Sabbat will continue to cause us trouble. If not now, then one of these nights." Abraham sounds confident, at least, in existing plans.

Giancarlo will bow his head to Ana and raise his glass in a toast to her gesture, flashing her a brilliant white toothed smile. Of course, Claudia receives the same smile and a greeting with his hand, "I'm doing fantastic. Couldn't be better." After a pause a light frown will hit his lips before he replies, "Unfortunately Mama is tied up elsewhere at this time, but she should be by later. But don't worry, myself and Mr. Dubois have the information she wished to be let known."

The older Italian gentleman will then stifle all talking when the prince begins to speak, his eyebrows furrowing forward when he hears news of what happened to the archbishop.

--< Murk >--------------------------------------------------------------------

The Murk shows off his very sharp, elongated teeth when he hears of the Archbishop's death. It might be a grin. It doesn't matter as it is still disturbing. The Beast could be returning Claudia's gaze of her own teeth, but if he is competing with the Harpy, he definitely wins.
--------------------------------------------------------------------< Murk >--

Claudia smiles at Hazel for a moment, before turning to Giancarlo with that smile about her, "Good! Good, I'm glad!" She replies when he says he's fantastic. The smile fades when she hears Ma is tied up, "Aw well if I don't see her tonight for some reason, send her my regards." She looks a bit curious to know what that information is, but doesn't ask as Ha-Joon starts and she listens intently. The mention of San Antonio has her lowering her eyes and a pout appearing on her lips for some reason.

Claudia would definitely lose the disturbing grin competition with Murk, eyes raising just to catch his and now she's got that warm, friendly smile she usually carries.

Hazel smiles back at Claudia in that moment of silentness she still gives her a warm smile. she does listen in on the happenings of court.

Hearing the news of the archbishop makes Eddie's brow go up. A moment of shock later, it falls again and furrows as he continues to listen. He rests his hand on the hilt of his broadsword, still standing and watching from the back of the room.

Ha-Joon nods his head to the Sheriff. He then glances to Helena and then over to Giancarlo. "I am hoping we at least have an update on these storms?" He asks, his eyes flitting between to the two before he returns to his throne to sit.

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
Helena met Ha-Joon’s gaze with a calm assurance, then turned her attention to Abraham and then to Giancarlo, giving him a subtle nod to indicate he should take the lead. “Indeed, your Highness,” she said, her voice smooth yet firm. “Both the Giovanni, and I, have been closely monitoring the situation. I believe he has valuable insights to share regarding the storms and their implications for our domain.” She leaned back slightly, her demeanor poised and attentive, signaling her confidence in Giancarlo’s ability to deliver the necessary information. Though she would likely fill in any details as they might have been missed. As she watched him prepare to speak, her expression remained neutral, though the weight of the gathering’s anticipation hung in the air like a charged current.
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

Giancarlo will rise from his seat, carefully adjust his suit jacket and smooth out his pants to ensure not a single crease is present and that his presentation is flawless, "I wish it was all good news, but sadly that is not the case. We were able to filter out five separate questions." He will pause to look around the room before beginning.

The handsome older Italian gentleman will raise a ring clad hand to rub through his white beard before going on, "So, we were able to find out that this storm will not stop on its own. Furthermore if it isn't stopped this will mean the destruction of Houston as we know it."

after a dramatic pause Giancarlo will continue, "We asked who would reap the greatest benefit from this and all we could find out is outsiders. So, is that infernalist, some strange other worldly entity or a truck full of good ol boys from Kansas, we don't know." A smile and he continues, "There is a specific tool or person to stop this storm but all we could figure out was that it could be located everywhere. Finally, the only way to stop the storm will be through some sort of major sacrifice. This is what fate has in store for us unless it is interrupted by those who know about it.

He seems as if he is about to sit down but then you can see the light bulb in his head go off that he forgot something, "One final thing. There is no sign of a Maelstrom or trouble in the Tempest. So, in theory the source of the storm is not the shadowlands."

Levi frowns, profoundly uncertain about the news.

Abraham rests his gaze on Gian as he speaks. The Brujah's face remains level and even, not moved by the dire nature of the Italian's words. When he is done speaking, the Sheriff casts a sidelong look toward Helena, then back to the room.

The news from Giancarlo also doesn't seem to suprise Eddie either. He doesn't react to it. Not that many can see him in the back of the room without looking his way.

Ha-Joon looks over Giancarlo, listening intently. "Do we have anything to go on concerning this individual or tool?" He leans back in his throne, idly touching a finger to his lips. Pulling the finger away, "Any information on what sort of sacrifice?" He shakes his head, "I will admit, it is not much. But, it is something!" He says with a smile to Giancarlo. "Thank you for sharing this with me, Mr. Giovanni. It is greatly appreciated." He then looks to Helena to see if she has anything to add.

Claudia's eyes are on each person as they speak, watching with interest in them. After Helena speaks, there's a slow nod of her head towards her after a brief pause. She then has a sip of her drink while her eyes turn to Giancarlo and meet his as his look about the room. The sacrifice bit has her widen her eyes a bit. It sounds heavy! She lowers her glass, sitting silent for now.

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
Helena stood before the court, her presence commanding as she addressed the gathered Kindred. The flickering candlelight caught the sheen of her red silk dress, adding an air of gravitas to her words. “Esteemed members of the court,” she began, her voice steady and clear, “I recently had the opportunity to meet with a Magi at Cane Creek Country Club; a former colleague of mine in the Order. Our discussions were fruitful, and I believe it is crucial to share the intelligence we gathered regarding our current predicament.”

She paused, allowing her gaze to sweep across the faces in the room, ensuring she had their full attention. “At the heart of our most pressing concerns is a mad mage going by the name Jeffrey -- who has taken to the skies above Houston in a dirigible which serves as his sanctum -- a place of power where he is most dangerous. This individual poses a significant threat, having already caused considerable damage to the Gauntlet—the very membrane that separates our physical world from the spirit realm.”

Helena's expression hardened as she continued. “His intentions are even more alarming. Jeffrey seeks to unleash an entity known as the Eater of Storms, a being that would not only wreak havoc upon our city but could also tear the very fabric of our existence apart. The Magi and I have agreed to collaborate in addressing this threat, pooling our resources, knowledge and might to mitigate the potential catastrophe.”

She glanced at Ha-Joon, her eyes firm. “We cannot afford to underestimate this situation. The storm that looms is not merely a weather phenomenon; it is a harbinger of chaos. I urge you all to consider how we might fortify our defenses and gather intelligence on this mad mage before it is too late. As always, Clan Tremere stands ready to provide you with our services should you wish to procure them. Several members of this court can attest to how fair-minded I have been in regards to the cost of such services. Your unlife is worth more than any number of Boons, after all.” With a final nod, Helena stepped back slightly, allowing the weight of her words to settle in the air, fully aware of the gravity of their circumstances.
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

Ha-Joon nods his head, as his eyebrows raise. A grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "How generous, Seneschal." The Prince then looks to Abraham, "Sheriff? Do you have anything else to weigh in on the matter?"

Giancarlo will nod his head again, and tilt it to the side after sighing, "Yes, unfortunately fate doesn't deal in absolute or specifics." He will roll his shoulders, "I have a few more ideas to dig for answers in the shadowlands, but if by chance you happen upon some fresh corpses from anything involving this, I should be able to extract some information from it that would be more current." He tells it about as gently as he can.

After that he will take his seat, and then listen to Helena intently, his head tilting back and forth while he contemplates and ties information together with his own that Helena speaks.

Ha-Joon nods his head, as his eyebrows raise. A grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "How generous, Seneschal." The Prince then looks to Abraham, "Sheriff? Do you have anything else to weigh in on the matter?" He then looks out to the gathered Kindred, "Then, after the Sheriff.... if any of you have any questions, I implore you to find your voice and ask. This matter suprecedes court etiquette as it is something that not could but will affect us all. That being said, I will do whatever I can to aid the Kindred of this Praxis to ensure that we all survive through this ..... situation... " He pauses as Giancarlo speaks, continuing he looks to Giancarlo. "That includes Clan Giovanni."

For the most part, Vormund has been silent and just observing. Helena's new information however, gets Vormund to look in her direction. Red eyes squint in that direction as the elder Nosferatu listens. "A /dirigible/? Now that's one I haven't heard for a while. Does he stay up there all the time?"

Abraham looks to Ha-Joon as he mentions his name and then towarad the Seneschal. He says, "My efforts to determine the nature of this threat mirror what the Seneschal has uncovered. This threat is as real as it gets and may extend even deeper then these storms. But, there is little more that we know for a fact right now." He looks to the Kindred, saying, "This situation is quite concerning, yes, but no one should panic. Brilliant minds are working on a solution and we may need every able hand that we can muster to assist when the time comes." He then grows quiet and lets his eye wander back toward the hall.

Claudia doesn't speak, but when Helena talks about several members of the court attesting, she raises her free hand up a little and leans her head to her right a bit, with a smile stretched out about her features. It's like she's silently saying 'Yes. Hi. I am one of those.' When Giancarlo mentions about happening upon some fresh corpses, for some reason, Claudia nods at this after looking like a lightbulb went off in her head. Her green eyes wide. She doesn't interrupt anything, continuing to listen for now.

Levi raises his hand after a moment. "How does he stay up?" His voice is quiet, thoughtful. "Surely he must need fuel?"

Ha-Joon looks from Vormund and then to Levi, back to Helena and then to Giancarlo. "Sort of a valid question, no?" He says, looking ever so slightly amused.

Giancarlo will rise once more when addressed by the prince and slowly nod his head in agreement before turning his hazel eyed gaze over to Vormund, "I do not know of what type of vehicle he manifests in. Though it could be a blimp or zeppelin. Though who knows their arts do not exactly manifest in the same as mine or Clan Tremere's." He will glance over to Helena to see if she has anything to add about how this guy flies around.

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
The Harpy's pronouncement about procuring Helena's services elicit a raised glass and a wink in response. A short bark of laughter can be heard from the Seneschal at Levi's question. Though she doesn't bother dignifying it with a response. Instead she takes a light sip from the champagne flute to mask her amusement. Though the Prince seems to be asking for clarification so she lowers the glass and sighs before shrugging and rolling her eyes when she realizes they were serious!

"While I don't have the time, or desire, to get into the dynamics of aetherial energy sources, I am quite certain the dirigible does not use conventional fuel and therefore he does not need to descend from his lofty throne for such mundane concerns." When the Giovanni speaks up about Clan Tremere's arts the Seneschal gives mad amounts of side eye but otherwise reserves whatever snide remarks she might have made to herself.
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

"How about an airdrop then? I'd rather not wait for some asshole mage to kill me when I could be doing damage to his plans instead." Vormund asks. "I rather like my existence, thank you."

Ha-Joon looks over to Helena and then to Giancarlo. "Perhaps something can be arranged with the Willworkers - - " He pauses, looking to Helena, then Abraham. "Are the other preternatural societies in the city aware of this threat?" He glances between the two, his eyes moving to Giancarlo.

Ana also does not look surprised by the news from the Giovanni, but her attention settles firmly on the Seneschal adn then the prince. "So thre is a current moritorium on working with mages, is that just for the Tremere, or for other clans? Or is there the presumption that this is only something that the Tremere and Giovanni have skills to address?"

--< Murk >--------------------------------------------------------------------
Murk eyes Helena as she speaks and grins. It's the Prince that he turns to look at directly, and it's quite rare he's ever one to speak in Court. But it was said that everyone had a chance to speak up now. The Gargoyle is peering. "I can fly up and PUNCH a hole in it." He grumbles. No one can ever say that The Beast isn't willing to perform his duty.
--------------------------------------------------------------------< Murk >--

Eddie finally asks, "Why have we not seen it? Or heard about it in the news?" He speaks up to be heard, "Wouldn't that be something obvious, even with the storms?"

Levi shrugs, unmoved. "Then we need to get up there, if he will not get down."

"I suspect all the relevant factions in the city are aware of this great threat at some level," Abraham says in response to the Prince, "At least the Lupines and the Willworkers. There is talking a Council forming at Cane Creek Country Club that will put all the players around the table. The implication from the Willworkers were that all the factions might have some part to play in solving this problem and each might hold a piece of the puzzle. It is my opinion that we should focus less on the bigger picture of this threat and more on what part the Kindred have to play in solving it." The questions about balloon go on.

He looks back to the crowd, "The derigible .. is not the threat per say. The true danger here is this Eater of Storms. The impending weather disaster is. I am dubious if this Mad Mage and his balloon are even a threat we Kindred will be asked to contend with. Frankly, it may be beyond our paygrade to help with at all."

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
As the suggestions for dealing with the mad mage began to circulate through the court, Helena’s expression shifted from composed to concerned. “Listen carefully,” she interjected, her voice sharp enough to cut through the murmur of ideas. “We are not dealing with an ordinary adversary here. This mage has the ability to turn us into lawn chairs with a mere snap of his fingers and he doesn't even need to see you to do it. Every proposal I’m hearing assumes we can engage him on equal footing -- something we cannot afford to take for granted.” She leaned forward, her intensity unwavering.

“The only reason I would even consider involving the Tremere in this situation is the very reason we’ve survived not one, but two wars with the Magi: our ability to counterspell. We have the knowledge and the means to disrupt their magic, to protect ourselves against their more insidious powers. If we’re to confront Jeffrey, we need to leverage every advantage we have, and underestimating him is not an option. As Abraham pointed out so aptly, the mad mage is a problem for mages not Kindred.”
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

Levi hesitates, then nods. "I will trust you on this. Just be aware that I have already lost one home tomorrow."

Giancarlo doesn't catch the daggers being shot at him by Helena, or if he does he seems unphased by it as he instead nods his head to Ha-Joon's words, "Well, it would seem the Seneschal knows some of the willworkers. I am happy to try and reach out myself to see if I can find some of my own to work with or help with any ambassador roles to the ones that are known."

He will pause to listen to more of the words, nodding his head in agreement with Helena and Abraham at this time, "To go and fight the crazy man in the sky floating around, on his turf, would undoubtedly result in an end to us. You never fight your enemy on his own turf with his own rules." A pause to smile brightly, "The trick is to get him to where we are strong if we are to confront him."

--< Murk >--------------------------------------------------------------------

Murk mutters under his breath, "I will not be a lawn-chair." He grits his teeth but he's listening to what everyone is saying now. The Gargoyle is invested. He straightens his shoulders and rolls them back, before lifting his head to look more triumphant than ever in the face of an adversary.
--------------------------------------------------------------------< Murk >--

The raise of Helena's glass causes Claudia to raise her own to her in response. She then brings it to her lips and is just about finished with it at this point. A look to Ana, and Claudia nods her head as if to say that's a good question.

Many good questions are being asked, and Claudia is looking at everyone as they speak them. Murk, however, causes her to grin in amusement and she nods to him. Her drink is done and she holds it up for someone to take before thanking them. She looks to Hazel as if to check up on her. She then goes back to taking everything in. Helena's sharp voice gets her to jolt for a second. The lawn chair bit has her looking a bit... shook. She then she gives a concerned look in Levi's direction, when there's the mention of losing a home. She seems to focus on him, for some reason, while listening to Giancarlo.

"Very well." Vormund replies as Helena speaks up. He quiets down now. "If I can be of assist, do let me know."

Ha-Joon looks to Helena and nods, taking in all of the information. He looks to Helena, "I want you to put together a team that will aid you in finding more answers on the occult aspect of this." He then glances around, his eyes falling to Giancarlo for a moment. "It appears that we are also in need of a team that will represent the Praxis as ambassadors for our kind." He then looks to the Sheriff, "Sheriff, I would like you to work the Keeper and Mr. Giovanni and select a few kindred whom you think will be able to serve this role efficiently." He then pauses and nods, "While I understand the severity of this issue, I wish to table it for now as we will be setting some things in motion. That being said, I wish to offer a word of caution in that we all must remain ever vigilant during these times." He looks between the Sheriff, Seneschal, Keeper and the Giovanni. "If there is nothing else, would it be alright if we moved on to a few other matters I wish ti bring to attention before dismissing this evening's court."

Ciro thinks, listening to the ongoing discussions about the mage in the balloon situation. Most of it is beyond him, with being a rather non-magically inclined kindred. "If he has no concerns other than destroying Houston and summoning this Eater thing, how could we distract him? How could we cause delays in his plan? If only to buy us more time - or to cause him to falter and reveal more of his plan?"

Giancarlo will clasps his hands in front of him and nod his head slowly towards Ha-Joon before speaking, "If the Seneschal would like I am sure my mother would be happy to help with the occult studies as well. She is well versed in it." He will add a glance to Helena and a pleasant smile her direction before continuing, "But It would be an honor work with your Sheriff and Keeper in helping to forge a business relationship with potential allies." Yep, sounds like he is all in as long as the others agree with it.


"It will be as you command, Highness," Abraham inclines his head to the Prince, his gaze drifting toward the Giovanni. He says nothing more, just shifts his weight and moves his hands to clasp behind him. He goes back to watching the room.

Ha-Joon nods and looks over the room. "Anyone else have anything they wish to bring up before I move on to the next matter of business?" He asks the room.

"I would like to help where I can." He pipes up, voice a little less soft.

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
The Seneschal seems to have nothing else to add at the moment and simply provides him a nod, acknowledging his assigned task.
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

"Nothing on my end, my Prince." Vormund replies.

Catherine enters court in a plain white dress, simple yet elegant. She move to the prince, and kneels down and bows her head, all the way to the floor. "I am deeply sorry Sire. I mistook your rude and offensive insults made towards me, and implied that they were directed at my clan. Clearly your disdain is not for my clan but for me as an individual. As a high status indvidual of this Praxis and a Primogen, I have no authority to question your absolute and total rule. Should you wish to abuse your authority and steal boons from me to cover up your mistakes, it is not my duty to question such a thing. If it pleases your Grace, for the the crime of questioning your Authority I shall resign as Primogen and leave the city at once. It is clear that this city has no place for a woman who has ideas of her own, and my mere existence as a free thinker risks further disruption to the city and your absolute rule. Long gone are the days of reasoned debate, fairness, and the autonomy of the clans. I understand in these dangerous times we must sacrifice such ideals that founded the Camarilla and made it strong, for our very survival is at stake. My ideals are outdated and thus with heavy heart I must leave behind the city I strove to protect as deputy. I have spilled blood for the praxis and I value it too much to stand in the way of your absolute domination."

She slowly raises and looks to Caludia and the other Toreador. "It is with great regret that I will not be able to instruct you in fencing. Perhaps the Praxis will find another swordmaster to take my place, and another tutor to teach you French?" She looks to the other Brujah, "I hope you are strong enough to defend the docks by yourself, in my absence." She then looks to the other Primogen, "Remember your duty is not to the city or your clan, but to the Prince himself and him alone." She looks back to the Prince and stands tall with grace and elegance. "Say the words my Grace and I shall be on my way, never to return. If that is truly your wish."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Catherine rolls Etiquette + Charisma vs 4 for 7 successes.
[Camarilla] Ciro says, “Nice roll!”
<OOC> Catherine says, "8 successes"
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Helena rolls Self-control vs 6 for 0 successes.

--< Sonja >-------------------------------------------------------------------
Leaning forward, Sonja slides the papers from her lap to gently drop them down on the table in front of her before settling back once more. Her hands refold over her leg after they cross, and she looks towards Catherine. "Well, that was a most eloquently delivered speech of self-pity and self-importance. Forgive me for not clapping. Frankly, as another female Primogen who's had no such troubles, I find your need to try and use your gender as a source of being slighted...frankly insulting. You aren't the only one that's fought and bled, so I'd go ahead and climb down off the cross you've taken the time to nail yourself to. And given your behavior over the last few weeks I have strong doubts about just how much standing you hold amongst your peers at this point."
-------------------------------------------------------------------< Sonja >--

--< Luciano >-----------------------------------------------------------------
Luciano enters Elysium tonight in a rather quiet fashion after being tied up in traffic sporting a light blue suit with sutble yet distinct white and red pinstripes, a light blue dress shirt and a dark red tie. Instead of giving his usual greetings he catches the commotion and cracks a very slight smile and a raise of the eyebrow as he makes his way to his usual spot near Claudia. "Political suicide, tonight?" He'd say softly towards her, his eyes glancing towards Catherine as he does.
-----------------------------------------------------------------< Luciano >--

As Catherine speaks, Vormund stands up from his position seated and moves into a more place more positioned for a Keeper. He says nothing however, not interfering with the conversations for now.

Eddie blinks. Then blinks again with a little shake of his head. It's disbelief. Is there anyone she didn't shit on with that speech?

Catherine's entrance is not missed at all. When she approaches the dais to speak to the Prince, his reaction is to move slightly closer to her. Then she kneels and bows and begins to speak. His dark eyes, perhaps darker now than before, watch as the speech unfurls in all its well-delivered and impassioned energy. One rarely sees Abraham start to look upset, but as Catherine continues to speak, his face actually starts to crack a little. Like just at the corners.

By the time she's done, his lip is curled at the corner and one might even see the glint of a fang beneath it. His back is to the Prince, now standing inbetween the Brujah Primogen and his liege. There's a focus in his gaze that is uncanny. Unhealthy. Abraham isn't quite in the dangerzone yet, but it is getting there.

Claudia looks over at Levi with a soft smile for him. Catherine's entrance, however, has Claudia watching with rapt attention. The look to her and the other Toreador has her eyes on Catherine, and there's a pout to her lip before she nods her head slowly a few beats. Luciano's entrance has her leaning her head towards him, replying softly with a term used in Texas, especially Houston a lot for someone that is standing out or making a scene, "She's showing naked ass tonight."

Levi blinks, then his brow furrows very slighty.

Ha-Joon looks up and as Catherine enters, arching an eyebrow. He chuckles slightly, shaking his head. "Oh, my dear Miss Catherine." He stands and looks at her, unblinking. "You were owed a minor boon, lets not forget my dear." He then glances around and back to Catherine, "You take my suggestion of telling you to invest in your clan after arriving late to court not once, but twice. Then decide, to go to the Harpies and tell them that I quote, 'don't give a shit about clan brujah'. Claiming those to be my words and then try to get my dear Claudia to move against her Prince." He shakes his head, slightly. "Do not come into my court and feign to be mindful and demure in your apology while trying to hide insults under pretty words." He lets out another soft chuckle, shaking his head. "I made no mistake, my dear. If I, as your Prince, suggest you invest more attention in your clan, then that is my prerogative. That does not mean you will put words in my mouth to the Harpies. Let's make that very clear." Shaking his head, with a smile. "I suggest you quit the martyr act because no one is buying it. If you think that I am not aware of your maneuvering prior to this evening, then my dear... You do not deserve to be Primogen because it requires a certain acumen that I do not believe you possess. For suggesting that I do not adhere to the ways of the Camarilla all over me hurting your pride?" He shakes his head softly. "If you wish to leave, there is the door, but should you leave just know that your only status in this city will be that of Autarkis as I will not welcome you back into it again. But, if you do leave then it is of your own accord. Personally, I think you should remain so you may sleep in the bed you have made yourself." He turns to look to Abraham and Eddie, pausing to look back to Catherine. "My dear, if you wish to go toe to toe in a game of words with a Toreador, sharpen your tools." He offers a wink, turning away from her as though she is yesterday's news and looks to Abraham and Eddie. "The rest of Clan Brujah's stance on this?" He gestures to her in a dismissive way. "Kindred's opinions?"

--< Murk >--------------------------------------------------------------------
The Murk Beast doesn't care about Elysium drama. He sees what's going on but he only cares about one thing as the neutral party. His gaze lifts to the Seneschal and he watches her sharply, as if waiting for any command.
--------------------------------------------------------------------< Murk >--

Levi shrugs. He has no horse in this race; it is not his call at this time, at least.

Catherine nods her head to the Prince. "Yes you are absolutely correct my Grace. Any insult, no matter how rude, vidictive, or unprovoked, if made by the Prince, can not truly be considered an insult. By virtue of being a Prince, all words from your mouth are as pure as the artic snow. It was my mistake in believing you valued the opinion of the Primogen, or the members of this Praxis. Furthermore, when I privately mentioned my concern to a harpy, I crossed a clear line. One can not simply hold an opinion in private that disagrees with a Prince, no matter how valid it may be, least the entire city fall into chaos. I am aware of my crime." She looks around the room, to see what anyone else has to add.

Giancarlo will fully relax back into his seat, and watch the interactions of the others to the scene unfolding. He has a neutral expression, and quietly rests his hands in his lap.

Abraham's words are cold as the grave. "She no longer speaks for us," the Sheriff says. His words are short, his gaze never leaving Catherine. "Go, or stay, Catherine. I don't give a flying fuck. But this is the last time you'll lead this Clan into humiliation." Then, his jaw snaps shut, locked tight like a vice.

Ana is quiet, watching the drama at the dias between Catherine and the Prince and the rest of clan Brujah. She takes a sip from her champagne flute, but it is clear that she does not feel this is a matter that she needs to add to.

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
At first, Helena sulked after the conversation about the mad mage, the weight of the discussion hanging heavily in the air. In frustration, she aggressively finished her flute of vitae-infused champagne and snapped her fingers for another. When the fresh glass arrived, she took a measured sip, ready to turn to the Prince and offer her thoughts. But just then, Catherine entered, and the distraction was perfectly timed. Dr. Markov, typically stoic and reserved, found her expression darkening as she watched the Brujah Primogen’s performance unfold.

With each moment, her demeanor shifted; her eyelids lowered and a hint of tension creased her brow as she chewed on her lip, the frustration evident. When the Prince invited opinions from the court, Helena let out a long, exasperated sigh that seemed to echo in the charged atmosphere.

"What a disappointment, Ms. Dubois. While your elder kinsmen states you may come or go, remember the penalty for departure should you feel too embarrassed to linger after your fifteen minutes of fame are up. Not only have you disrespected the Prince, this court, your kinsmen and your office. You have also broken with the spirit of the traditions by choosing not to adhere to a promise made to a member of this court in good standing. A Boon is no simple thing to discard for something so meager as a spectacle."
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

"The Nosferatu clan holds our autonomy still and I have had no cause to consider the Prince to be abusing authority over us as of yet, but I hold no grudge over the words said as of yet." Vormund states when asked. As Abraham speaks though, Vormund looks to him, red eyes focused there for now.

Helenas words get a glance, but his eyes flick back to Abraham shortly after.

Taking a step or two forward, Eddie is locked on Catherine. His hand on the hilt of his sword. "She can't even speak for herself." Eddie says, seething. "You embarass all of us, yourself moreso." Eddie intones. "You should find a rock to crawl under, let the worms feast upon your bloated corpse." After a couple of steps, he stops. "We will be stronger without you. We will propser without you. Your actions make you lower than a thin blooded Caitiff. Your shame is your own. All of it. Whereever you go, it will be the stain that colors your blood. Your very existance makes us weaker."

He looks to Abraham and his words. Then back to Catherine, "Stay or go, you are no clansman of mine." He pauses and looks to Helena as she speaks. "Wear your disgrace so that future generations of Kindred can know your folly. The Roses should immortalize it in prose."

--< Sonja >-------------------------------------------------------------------
The Ventrue Primogen having already spoken her piece simply looks away from Catherine now, reaching to slide a hand over the two papers before selecting one as she sits back. A light shake as she opens it to skim the front page, having already dismissed the shunned Brujah from her mind as her Clansmen have done with her.
-------------------------------------------------------------------< Sonja >--

Ciro cants his head just a touch, turning to look to the other Brujah. Once the Sheriff has spoken, his eyes then go to Eddie. A brow arches at the immortalizing the event in prose, that amuses him. A look to Ana and Claudia, a shrug - clearly he's not upset at the thought of that. When Vormund speaks up, he nods. "Clan Toreador has had no issues. His Majesty does not attempt to override the Primogenship, allowing the Clan to operate as the Camarilla intended."

Ha-Joon looks from Abraham and then to Helena. When Eddie speaks, a small grin tugs at his lips as he watches Catherine. "It would seem, my dear, that your attempt has failed." He gestures around the room. "My actions speak for themselves. As do you yours." He shakes his head, "Stay or go. I do not care what you do. But, make no mistake, fool of a Brujah, that you decide to take any retribution against your Clan or this Praxis and you will find yourself on the wrong end of the Sheriff's blade." The tone of his voice is cold, devoid of all of its usual warmth and emotion as he stares at Catherine. Raising his voice loud enough for the entirety of the room. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?"

Catherine hands fall to the side of her dress and holds it as she dips, offering a flawless curtsey to the court. "I shall take my leave then. I genuinely hope you all survive this storm." She stands up straight and turns and walks out of the court, her head held high.

Levi takes a long breath in and lets it out in a sigh. "She'll die 6 months ago at this rate..."

What has Kevin walked into? The guy is just walking into the room, holding his backpack to his chest, when the loud question is presented by the Prince. he blinks a couple of times, freezes in his tracks, and it takes him a moment to realize that he's not being addressed. He offers the departing Catherine a wide berth, and he himself remains near the rear of the assembly.

Levi says, “Oh! Hi Kevin."”

Abraham stays locked in place as Catherine walks away. One might notice that his hands, which were knotted into fists, slowly start to relax as the red that was threatening the edges his vision starts to slip away. He waits till she's fully gone from the room. Even then, he's lingering there for a long time.

Claudia, through most of this, has her head lowered like she has a lot on her mind. There are moments where she looks up and looks into Catherine's eyes. They then shift to Ciro. She continues to remain quiet. Just when her mind was asking a question no one else is thinking... 'Where's Kevin?' does Kevin show up and her face lights up at the sight of him. Levi calling it out gets her to grin broadly.

Ha-Joon watches Catherine as she exits. His eyes moves to Abraham, lingering there for a moment before glancing to HElena. He then looks out at the rest of the Kindred. "Now that that is settled." He looks to the SHeriff, "I will look forward to hearing whom you select as the next Brujah Primogen." With a glance to Levi and then to Kevin, "Hopefully, the Malkavians will also bring news of the same announcement."

"There is another matter that I believe needs to be addressed before we separate." Clasping his hands behind his back, he steps to the side. "In the parking lot of the astrodome, the same time the storms began a circus .... manifested..." He pauses, "A traveling one from the reports my eyes have given me. The odd thing about it is that the storms seem to break apart over it." He looks to Helena, "It carries a strong foreboding and something does not feel right about it." He looks back to the Sheriff and then to Vormund. "If possible, I would like this matter also investigated. There is something....... otherworldly.... about it." He looks back to the PRaxis, "That being said, I do not want any Kindred entering it's grounds by themselves. Should you decide to visit this place, please do not trust it for what it seems." He then glances around again.

Watching Catherine walk away, Eddie stands there for a moment. He finally lets go of the hilt of his sword and hearing the Prince speak again, relaxes and takes a couple steps back. He looks to Abraham and then back to the Prince.

Ana lets her gaze follow Catherine as she leaves, marks the arrival of Kevin and then she turns back to the Prince's further words. There's a thoughtful nod about the circus, and she glances around the group gathered.

Hearing his name is almost as startling as being yelled at by the Prince as soon as he walked into the room. Kevin’s eyes get large, and they skim the room quickly to find the source of the greeting. When it’s recognized to be Levi, Kevin relaxes a little, and offers a small wave. The mention of a Malkavian announcement gets him moving again, and any reprieve in his anxious mood is short. Kevin begins quietly gravitating toward Levi, frowning slightly as he settles in beside his fellow clan member. He pantomimes a gesture toward the dais, and stage whispers, "Oh yeah, we were supposed to figure that out. Rock, paper, scissors?"

--< Luciano >-----------------------------------------------------------------
"What folly." Luciano will say curtly, his Spanish accent leaking after Catherine's display and exit.

With that his attention will return to the business at hand for court, starting with the circus and the details Prince Ha-Joon is giving in regards to it. He will however break his attention every so briefly to acknowledge Kevin since the drama has dispersed and give him a polite wave as well as anyone else who would have come in.
-----------------------------------------------------------------< Luciano >--

--< Helena >------------------------------------------------------------------
Shifting gears, Helena looked to the Prince and nodded, smoothing the front of her dress with an air of poise. “Funny that you mention it, my Prince,” she began, her gaze lingering on Murk before returning to the Prince. “I had already planned to take the Apprentices and other essential personnel to this circus. It’s evident that there’s some kind of influence at play regarding the storm, or at the very least, an interaction we need to understand.”

With a dismissive wave of her hand, she brushed aside the previous line of thought. “Given the scale of this circus, it’s clear that multiple trips or groups attending would be advantageous. We can compare our findings afterward and see what discoveries we can unearth together.”

Her tone was resolute, the determination in her voice unmistakable as she set the stage for collaboration amidst the chaos.
------------------------------------------------------------------< Helena >--

"I don't know that that's the best idea. We can talk after?"

Levi smiles, but isn't got his heart in it.

Abraham clears his throat and resumes his place, nodding to the Prince. "We shall begin deliberations on the matter of the Primogenship immediately, Highness," the Sheriff says clearly still adjusting his mood, which has now soured greatly since Court began. He also nods to the mention of the Circus, casting a perhaps intentional glance toward Kevin and Levi and the need for volunteers is mentioned. His gaze lingers upon them a few moments then drifts away.

Kevin continues speaking, but it’s a stage whisper; easy enough to hear if you’re near him, but not disruptive to the group as a whole. "Ok. Well, I don’t wanna sword fight," he states resolutely in reply to Levi. "It’s not that important, plus I don’t even -have- a sword. Where is everyone getting swords from?" He glances up, looking toward the dais for a moment, then offers a sudden, wicked grin toward Levi. "Wanna go to the circus?" he asks, eyes brightening.

Levi pauses. "Y'know what? Yeah, sure. But not just us - we should bring at least a ghoul and someone else? 4's a lucky number."

--< Murk >--------------------------------------------------------------------
Murk perks up. Helena looked at him and there's talk of the Circus now. It looks like he might be going, and his elongated teeth return to grin back at the Seneschal. It's horrific but tasteful for a Gargoyle.

He turns his head to look over at Levi and Kevin as they make plans. "Four is lucky."
--------------------------------------------------------------------< Murk >--

Levi nods. "And three's awkward. We need more people."

Catherine's departure gets Claudia to look up and watch her leave. She shakes her head ruefully and decides to raise her hand to get another champagne flute. This will be her second and last of the night. Swearzies. The mention of the Circus gets Claudia to perk up a little, but that seems to fade as the circus is further explained and she looks to Ciro, Hazel(who is here IC but not OOC) and Ana. "Guess no cotton candy for me, huh?" She says softly. Her attention is briefly on Luciano, and she nods a few beats. "Yeah that's... that's certainly a good word for it." Folly.

"Four is good. Four is VERY good," Kevin states, quite seriously, as he looks between Murk and Levi. "It's good enough for the Ninja Turtles. There are four of them, and they kick -ass-." He looks to Murk, then to Claudia, a questioning look on his face that lingers, well .... until he asks a question. "We need two more turtles. Where my turtles at?" He clarifies, "We do NOT have swords, so bring your own."

Ha-Joon watches the Kindred as they speak. "Sheriff. Seneschal. Primogen. Keeper. A word?" He says, turning to leave without hesitation as he disappears into the council room.