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Changeling Mage Shifter Vampire Wraith Tech

Roles and Responsibilities

Head Staff

  • Role: Oversees the entire MUX and ensures smooth operation.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Provides final decisions on game policy, disputes, or major staff issues.
    • Coordinates with all other staff members to maintain cohesive gameplay and management.
    • Oversees game vision, long-term goals, and player satisfaction.
    • Manages recruitment, promotion, and demotion of staff roles.
    • Handles sensitive or critical out-of-character issues (e.g., harassment complaints).

Sphere Lead

  • Role: Oversees all operations and is the final arbiter for all decisions within their Sphere of Responsibility (Changeling/Mage/Shifter/Vampire)
  • Responsibilities:
    • Develops major metaplots, key NPCs, and overarching narratives for their Sphere of Responsibility.
    • Manages player requests (e.g., character approval, status spending, special projects).
    • Coordinates with assistants to run scenes, approve XP spends, and handle player issues.
    • Defines setting, expected theme, and ensures lore adherence.
    • Collaborates with Head Staff and other Spheres of Responsibility for crossover events.
    • Signs off on final approval of Characters

Sphere Storyteller

  • Role: Supports the Sphere Lead by running scenes and assisting with player requests.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Runs smaller plots, scenes, or spontaneous RP opportunities for players.
    • Reviews and processes player-submitted +jobs (e.g., XP spends, background updates).
    • Assists in maintaining NPCs, factions, and other game elements.
    • Provides feedback and input to the Sphere Lead regarding sphere development or player concerns.
    • Keeps documentation updated for lore, status systems, or metaplot details.
    • Gives Initial Sign off on character applications

Sphere Admin

  • Role: Administers +job requests from players that do not require rules adjudication.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Processes +jobs related to player requests, character changes, or XP expenditures.
    • Monitors XP awards, spends, and player progression for balance.
    • Maintains accurate player records and character sheets.
    • Ensures transparency and fairness when approving requests.
    • Collaborates with storytellers to ensure XP spends align with in-game justification.

Tech Lead

  • Role: Develops and maintains technical solutions for the game.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Writes and refines code for game systems, commands, and automation.
    • Troubleshoots and resolves bugs or technical issues reported by players and staff.
    • Implements new mechanics, like status systems, XP tracking, or combat systems.
    • Ensures the MUX runs efficiently (e.g., preventing lag or memory issues).
    • Updates documentation for commands or systems when changes are made.
    • Oversees updates and systemic changes to the game wiki.
    • Administers backend server infrastructure

Code Admin

  • Role: Develops and maintains softcode systems for the game.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Writes and refines code for game systems, commands, and automation.
    • Troubleshoots and resolves bugs or technical issues reported by players and staff.
    • Implements new mechanics, like status systems, XP tracking, or combat systems.

Build Admin

  • Role: Designs and maintains in-game rooms, areas, and thematic environments.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Builds rooms, descriptions, and exits that reflect the game’s setting and tone.
    • Works closely with Sphere staff to design locations for ongoing plots.
    • Ensures rooms meet thematic and quality standards.
    • Updates or redesigns areas as the game evolves (e.g., changes to Elysium or chantries).
    • Manages props, scenery items, and other environmental assets.
    • Oversees and approves player build projects.